FRC 2020

Koderek for the weekend

Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.


Star Wars, part V: The Empire Stikes Back

The Koderek conference, initiated by Wiktor Żmijewski, targets mostly kids, but also the youth and even adults. Its aim is to promote IT and latest technologies. The schedule features lectures of both students and professional as well as shows and workshops. Many of them focused on developing cooperative skills and creative thinking. On Saturday November 16th in Roaula Walllenberg’s Primary School no 339 .in Warsaw on St. Boniface street 10 took place the 6th edition of this event, in which we had a chance to participate. You could see us there from 10:00 am. to 4:00 pm., exhibiting our achievements so far, showing some 3D printing and giving lessons about programming in Scratch. Another thing that happened to appear on our table were Arduino plates to which we attached some electronic parts. The time passed quickly in nice and friendly atmosphere. We hope that we managed to encourage and inspire some participants, especially the young ones.

 The detailed schedule:

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