FRC 2024

First Day of FRC Bosphorus Regional


What happened during the 1st day of the Bosphorus Regional?
This day was rather calm for us. Since we didn’t have to register or set up our pit, our entire team could focus on the essence of this event. We started the long day with three matches during which we tested our shooting system and perfected it to be ready for any eventuality. During the breaks between matches, we made minor repairs and adjustments.
However, it wasn’t solely a day dedicated to working on the robot. Intensive scouting was conducted to gather knowledge about the skills of other teams. We analyzed their robots and strategies, paying attention to strengths and weaknesses, which would help us better prepare for actual competition.
In the evening, after intense preparations, it was time to summarize the scouting. We discussed the findings, shared information, and made plans for the next days of the competition. However, work isn’t the only thing in life – the team also decided to take a moment to relax with board games. It was necessary to relieve tension and provided an excellent opportunity to build stronger bonds among team members.
This ended the intense first day of competition at the Bosphorus Regional, full of work, tests, and analysis, but also finding a balance between effort and rest.

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