FRC 2024

Third Day of FRC Bosphorus Regional


The last day of FIRST! Mobilization and emotions at their peak. We started by playing the remaining two qualifying matches. Our final tally before the playoffs is 5 wins to 4 losses.
The alliance selection ceremony by the top 8 teams from the qualifiers began. We were invited to join forces with the eighth-ranked captain’s team. This put Rabyte back in the playoffs once again. Shortly after, we were already competing on the arena. The level of competition was very high, allowing us to challenge long-time FIRST participants.
This time, our alliance secured the 8th place in the finals. It brought us incredible experience from which we can draw conclusions for the future. Conversations with other teams inspired us to implement various improvements to our design in the next edition. The fact that we could get to know the perspectives of young players from around the world greatly enriched us.
We decided to spend the evening exploring Istanbul and sharing our experiences. We are glad to have been a part of this event, to meet wonderful people, and to test our skills on the international stage! See you soon!

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